NeocorTech University
Partnership Program
Tsunami Notebook
Japanese software, which runs on English versions of Windows is now available to students
in any and all Japanese programs worldwide through Neocor's University Partnership
Program. We are offering a free version of this program to interested Japanese
departments, and an educational discount for their students. Neocor will supply the
department with materials (posters, brochures, free demo CD-ROMS, etc.), with no
obligation of any kind!
Please feel welcome to include any other
professors whom you think might be interested in our Japanese software, which runs on U.S.
Windows without any need for DOS/V Win/V, etc.
, but if you or they have any
questions, do not hesitate to call us at 1-800-693-9283, and ask for Greg Nisius ( If you'd like to order a free
CD-ROM demo of the software or download it right now off Neocor website, click here.

NeocorTech University
According to Professor Roger Thomas, Ph.D.,
of Illinois State University, "Tsunami Notebook will surely prove a valuable tool for
my students wishing to write and correspond in Japanese." Consider the schools who
are participants, like yourself, in the Partnership Program:
University of Chicago |
Oregon State University |
Arizona State University |
York College |
Alfred University |
Emory University |
University of Washington |
University of Montana |
Amherst College |
Illinois State University |
Bellevue Community College |
Oregon State |
Hiroshima Univ. of Economics |
Pennsylvania State University |
Miami University |
Madonna University |
College of William and Mary |
University of Vermont |
Notebook Released (15 March 1997). New for home users, students and others who want
one solution for their Japanese software needs, NeocorTech released Tsunami Notebookfor
only $195.00 (plus shipping), a "basic" version of our popular Tsunami MT
product . It comes with E-J translation, Japanese e-mail, a Japanese front end processor
(FEP) for typing/printing Kanji and Kana, Kana tables for learning Japanese, and much much
ULTIMATE easy-to-use Japanese software application for non-Japanese users, Tsunami
Notebook from Neocor Tech boasts an array of advanced features normally found in more
expensive products. Indeed, Tsunami Notebook inherits many of its features from its big
brother Tsunami MT, the premier English-to-Japanese translator, which at $695 is aimed
squarely at the professional translator.
"Notebook, meanwhile, is aimed at small businesses and students, hence the more
modest asking price.
"Using an advanced artificially intelligent translation engine with a 130,000 word
dictionary you can perform sentence level draft translations. Simply prepare the document
to be translated, taking care to check for both spelling and grammatical errors. Because
Notebook examines the whole sentence to determine the best translation into Japanese, the
software "only "knows" exactly what it is told". In other words,
garbage in, garbage out.
"Translation settings allow you to affect the translation output and the formality of
the Japanese. More formal Japanese is appropriate for business correspondence, while the
less formal settings are intended for letters to family and friends. Approach with
"Also included is a Front End Processor for editing Japanese text. Although not as
flexible as a dedicated Japanese word processor, its ideal for adding or removing Japanese
katakana, hiragana and kanji from your translations.
"You can also read, write and send Japanese email (Notebook handles the JIS,
Shift-JIS, EUC, and Unicode text formats) with ease.
"Translation software has certainly come a long way in the last few years and the
quality of Notebook's translation is superb. Put simply: Notebook is a joy to use. If you
take the time to learn to write in a sympathetic style, your efforts will be well
rewarded. This is an essential piece of software for anyone who corresponds in Japanese.
"Highly recommended. "
By Philip Pendleton
NEO-TOKYO, 1997 |
Click here to learn more about the Tsunami Notebook
software. |