Typhoon MT
Version 6.0
Translation Software
"For J/E translation, Typhoon blows the competition away."
-Computing Japan, March 1998.
NEW!! December 8, 1997 - Typhoon MT 6.0 is the lastest release of this popular
Japanese-to-English translation software for English Windows 95 / NT.
With this significant upgrade, Typhoon comes packed with new features and functions
- Improved translation quality and speed
- Ability to send Japanese e-mail (Shift-JIS, EUC, JIS, & Unicode)
- Kanji Reader for displaying Kana/Romaji
- Japanese truetype font
- Easier-to-use dictionary entry method
- And much more!!
Typical Typhoon applications include translating
Japanese e-mail, web pages, or other Japanese text already in an electronic formate.
Typhoon has all the advantages of our other programs: runs on English versions of Windows
NT and Windows 95, has a built in full-character Japanese Word Processor, the ability to
add new words to its core dictionary, interactive translation for suggesting alternative
translations, full OLE 2.0 compatibility, and tremendous ease-of-use. Combined with KanjiScan Japanese OCR,
Typhoon can even tranlslate printed Japanese documents and journals.
Perfect for the academic research, government, and
international business communities, Typhoon provides a cost-effective tool for enhancing
your Japanese communications.
"Typhoon MT comes
preloaded with extensive dictionaries and a smart word-parsing engine that relies on root
words and prefixes/suffixes. ...the fastest translation engine on any platform...
Neocors FEP includes a complete Japanese font set so that users of English Windows
can edit (and print) documents in Japanese. Typhoon MT supports OLE 2.0 technology ,
enabling the user to drag and drop Japanese text into any OLE-compliant application (such
as most popular word processors and spreadsheets)." -- Computing Japan, July 1996 |
For further
information about Typhoon MT and its capabilities, Click here.
To read Typhoon MT 6.0's press
release, Click here.
For current Typhoon MT 5.0 users,
click here to order and upgrade to Typhoon MT 6.0 for
only $149!
Key Features |

- Does NOT require DOS/V or Windows 95J
- Dynamic 135,000 word main dictionary
- Translation speed over 300,000 words per hour
expansion dictionaries - Physical and Biological Sciences - over 130,000 words each
- Full-feature Japanese text editor
- Japanese Front End Processor(FEP)
- Allows Japanese text to be saved in ShiftJIS, JIS, EUC, & Unicode
- Sends English and Japanese e-mail
System & Requirements
- U.S. Windows 95 or Windows NT (or any other non-Japanese Windows 95/NT
- Hard Drive: 25 MB
- RAM: Windows 95: 8 MB
Price & Contact Information
Last modified by NeocorTech Webmaster:
March 10, 1998.
Copyright 1998 NeocorTech LLC. All rights reserved.
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