J-Text Ver. 1.0 Released (March, 1998)
Now you can effortlessly edit, print, e-mail, communicate, and learn Japanese with this
powerful Japanese word processor from NeocorTech. It comes complete with a Japanese editor
(FEP), Japanese text display technology, and everything else necessary to edit Japanese on
your PC. J-Text also comes with some great learning features for those of you trying to
improve your knowledge of this intricate language. J-Text features a complete set of
Hiragana and Katakana tables for quickly locating kana. Also with the KanjiReader add-on,
you can highlight a Kanji character and quickly view the Hiragana, Katakana, or Romaji
reading in addition to a one-word English translation of the Kanji.
Tsunami Notebook Ver. 2.0 Released (February, 1998)
NeocorTech releases the newest version of its best selling software - Tsunami Notebook
2.0. This program has enjoyed great success with students, home users, and other who
require a powerful and productive Japanese software package at an affordable price.
In addtion to great new features such as the Kanji Reader and improved FEP, Tsunami
Notebook 2.0 is available for only $149. Click here to
learn more!
New 1998 Pricing!
(January, 1998)
NeocorTech announces new software prices for 1998! Be sure to visit our pricing page here to learn more about significant savings available now.
Typhoon MT 6.0 Released
(December, 1997)
NeocorTech announces our upgrade of Typhoon MT. Packed with great new features and a
easier-to-use interface, Typhoon MT is one of the most advanced J-to-E translation
software programs available on the market today. To learn more, Click here!
Tsunami Server
(October, 1997)
NeocorTech has just released Tsunami Server. This innovative server version of Tsunami
MT allows users to on-the-fly translate English web pages (html) into Japanese with the
click of a button. All links, graphics and page formats remain exactly the same after
translation.Click here!
University Partnership Program
(September, 1997)
Introducing our Tsunami Notebook software to people who need it most is no easy matter
-- so we're giving it to them for free! If you're a student of Japanese, or better, a
professor, you'll want to visit our U.P.P. page. Click here!
Tsunami MT 6.0 - Released! (August 1, 1997)
NeocorTech LLC has released Tsunami MT 6.0 - This version has improved translation
quality, TrueType fonts, a Kanji reader for displaying the Hiragana/Katakana/Romaji of
selected Kanji, the ability to send Japanese email.
New demo CD ROM released. FREE for 15 day trial period!
NeocorTech now offers a free CD ROM containing demo versions of Tsunami MT 6.0, Typhoon
MT 5.0, and NeocorTech's complete web site. No more high internet connection fees &
long downloads.
The demo programs run on English Windows 95 or Windows NT.
KanjiScan Demo is now available! (15 April 1997)
Click here to check out the KanjiScan homepage.
Tsunami Notebook Demo is now available! (15 April 1997)
Click here to check out the Tsunami Notebook
Online Ordering - and We Pay the Shipping! (1 April 1997)
NeocorTech announces a secure online order system for ordering Neocor products directly
from our website. Customers can now securely place an order using their web browser and
Neocor will pay the shipping! To place an order or for more information, click here.
Tsunami Notebook Released (15 March 1997)
New for home users, students and others who want one solution for their Japanese
software needs, NeocorTech today released Tsunami Notebook. This is a "basic"
version of our popular Tsunami MT product for only $195.00
(plus shipping). It comes with E-J translation, Japanese e-mail, a Japanese front end
processor (FEP) for typing/printing Kanji and Kana, Kana tables for learning Japanese, and
much much! For detailed information about Tsunami Notebook, click here.
KanjiScan Japanese OCR Released (31 January 1997)
NeocorTech released its KanjiScan Japanese OCR software for Windows 95 / NT. Be sure to
visit the KanjiScan page at NeocorTech's web site for details about this innovative new
Click here to check out the KanjiScan homepage.
KanjiScan Japanese OCR release date announced. (7 January
Today, NeocorTech announced the release date for its long anticipated Japanese OCR
program for US Windows 95 / NT. NeocorTech will introduce its KanjiScan software on
January 31, 1997. Reserve your copy today! Contact us at info@neocor.com and let us know
you want to be one of the first users of KanjiScan.
KanjiScan will be available for $490.00 plus shipping.
Yahoo selects Neocor to run banners on many of its
Japanese pages! (16 September 1996)

Of course, Yahoo also charged Neocor for the privilege of running our advertisements on
their website, but it's big news for Neocor nonetheless. Neocor is poised to dominate the
Japanese translation software market in 1997. To view one of the Yahoo pages featuring the
Neocor ad, click on the banner above:
Typhoon MT scores a Cover Story Mangajin No. 58 -
(September 12, 1996)
Flip to page 56 of the most recent Mangajin to read Douglas Horn's two-page review of
Neocor's Typhoon MT, touted by Mangajin as "An excellent solution for making
Microsoft Windows 95 speak Japanese -- or at least read and write it."
Dictionary expansion (bi-directional) now available for
Physical Sciences and Biological Sciences (September 10, 1996)
Neocor recently released its first two expansion dictionaries, each
available for E-J or J-E for only $195. These professional dictionaries are easy to
install and use. The NeocorTech professional dictionary system is designed to generate
better translation results for technical jobs in the Biological Sciences (including
Medical fields) and Physical Sciences, and have a proven track record in Japan.
Click here for more info on Neocor's Professional

Latest Information for Tsunami MT and Typhoon MT Now
Easily Accessible
The latest information for Neocor Technologies English to Japanese translator, Tsunami MT, is now available at the Latest Tsunami MT Information site.
Along with the Tsunami MT site, Neocor has devised a page for the latest information
concerning our Japanese to English translator, Typhoon MT,
at the Latest Typhoon MT Information site.
Neocor Technologies Products Receive Windows 95 Logo
Neocor Technologies' Tsunami MT and Typhoon MT were recently approved by the Designed
for Microsoft® Windows® 95 program. This certification verifies that Tsunami MT and
Typhoon MT were designed to work with all of the new technologies in Windows® 95.
NeocorTech Products Reviewed in latest PC Magazine
Check out the "New & Improved" section in the latest PC Magazine
(June 25, 1996), on newsstands and in mailboxes now. Flip to page 76 for some interesting
PC Magazine says:

Tsunami and Typhoon MT Reviewed in Newsbytes
In the May 1996 issue of Newsbytes Pacifica, Tsunami MT and Typhoon MT were
reviewed. The following is a segment of the article:
"When it comes to translating documents nothing can beat the speed of machine
translation but, unless you have $10,000 or more to spend, the accuracy of such documents
can sometimes be less than perfect to the point of being unintelligible in some cases. The
translation products from Neocor are more intelligent than the machine translation offered
by several online services and cheap software packages because they use an advanced search
engine and offer more advanced interactive modes that allow the user to assist the
software and get a better translation."
Stay Tuned! On average, we're making changes a few times a week to
our site these days. Check in once a week for our latest additions and improvements. |
©1996 Tina Chan |
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