"Tsunami MT is by far the
best PC
translation tool I've ever used."
- Multilingual Computing, January 1998
offers a complete range of Japanese software solutions for IBM compatible Personal
Computers, specializing in and certified for the MS-Windows operating system. This unique
advantage provides multinational corporations, small businesses, private organizations,
and individual users with Japanese software to fit their needs on their current machines.
To run NeocorTech's software, you won't need expensive add-on operating systems to enable
your computer for Japanese. Simply load this program onto MS-Windows (95 or NT), and
you'll have everything you need in one package: Japanese fonts, a powerful and innovative
text editor for both English and Japanese, an interactive automatic translation from
English to Japanese (or vice versa), Japanese print capability, Japanese and English
optical character recognition (OCR), an exclusive Kanji Search System, a Furigana-like
feature called Kanji Reader, and much more. NeocorTech is the only company that
can offer the complete Japanese communication solution for people with English versions of
Microsoft Windows.
Free Demo Software & CD-ROM
Download a free evaluation version Neocor
software (demo versions of Tsunami MT, Typhoon MT, KanjiScan OCR, and Tsunami Notebook OCR
are available). You can also request a free copy of Neocor's demo CD-ROM, honshu version
3.0, and free brochures which will all be sent to you immediately via the U.S. Postal
Neocor in the
Check out our latest review in The Economist, as well
as other magazines including PC Magazine, Windows, Mangajin, Computing Japan, etc...
Software Products
Click here for details on our five software products, various bundle deals, screenshots,
prices, and more.
University Partnership Program
Discount for qualified students. Neocor unveils its 1998 University Partnerhsip Program
just as the new year begins.
NeocorTech Press
Releases .
Keep up with the latest news from NeocorTech.
NeocorTech vs. the
Compare other Japanese software against NeocorTech's unique
software capabilities, and decide for yourself.
Job Opportunities
Neocor is hiring! As a quickly expanding software company, we need
qualified applicants to apply for open positions in the fields of computer programming and sales!
Reseller &
Distribution Business Opportunities
Learn about reseller opportunites for NeocorTech's software, both in the
United States and internationally.
Intelligence Laboratory
Neocor jointly develops R&D technology with AILogic in Tokyo, founded
by Kamejima Sangyo Co., Ltd. in 1982. (AIL software is a good source for users with DOS/V,
Japanese Windows, or Macintosh.) |
NeocorTech Customers
Since 1994, NeocorTech has provided its translation software solutions to a
wide variety of satisfied customers, including multinational corporations, small
businesses, government agencies, students, and professional translators. Our customer list
includes the following organizations:
AT&T |
Warner Brothers |
Baxter Health |
Panasonic |
U.S. Navy |
Canon |
Nikon |
Hitachi |
Cymer Laser |
Rockwell |
Sega Soft |
Mitsubishi |
Hokkaido University |
Univ. of Chicago |
Amherst |
Univ. Of Washington |
Arizona State Univ. |
Click here to read what our customers have to
Contact NeocorTech
NeocorTech LLC
4141 Jutland Dr. Suite 307
San Diego, CA 92117 U.S.A.
Tel. (619) 483-2524
Fax (619) 483-2586 |
experienced with
Click here to start.
Last modified by NeocorTech Webmaster:
February 6, 1998.
Copyright 1997 NeocorTech LLC. All rights reserved.
Ne.o.cor.tex : n. The
dorsal region of the cerebral cortex. |